Social2s (Social in 2 steps) is a Joomla! plugin to share your web pages within the most popular social networks: twitter, facebook, pinterest, linkedin, google+, tumblr and VK.
Protect your users
76 percent of websites now contain hidden Google trackers, and 24 percent have hidden Facebook trackers according with the Princeton Web Transparency & Accountability Project.
Social2s doesn't load scripts until it is necessary and that contributes to block the tracks.

Tons of customizations
Every webpage is different. With Social 2s you can customize every aspects of your social buttons: colours, shapes, positions, define what social network you want to show...
You can define the position of the icons and its visibility.

OpenGraph and Twitter Card native
You can define what to share with Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter Card.

European Union Cookie Law Support
The stupid cookie law requires a message in every European webpage. Social2s do it for you.

The greatest score
Social2s has a 100/100 score in extensions.joomla.org

Don't miss the new features
Social2s uses the Joomla! update system.

Remove the bug
Social2s is very flexible and adapts to many scenarios.
To control exactly what is shared, it has a very useful debug and opengraph system.
Responsive features
Social2s counts with a lot of responsive features to get a perfect fit in your mobile web.
You can modify the mobile behavior in sticky position, fill the width, hide the text buttons...